A while back I read this quote by Henry Blackaby:
Your relationship with God right now
reveals what you believe about Him.
A strong statement for sure. But if that’s true, then I have to ask myself the question: how am I living my life? Am I living like I’m actually believing God on this whole thing, or not?
The question is fairly easy to answer in theory, because most of us probably believe that God is good, and that He’s got the whole wide world in His hands. However, it’s not so easy in every day life…days filled with to-do lists, deadlines, diapers, date nights and disappointments. The idea of a good God often collides with the reality of life and leaves us wondering how to stay focused on what really matters in the midst of a world that’s incessantly screaming for our attention.
I so wish I could sit across from you, grab some coffee and hear your story. I would guess that you have some good ones, stories of unreal circumstances filled with endings that could only be explained as God. You probably also have a few stories that have left you wondering why in the world all of that happened. Real life, filled with joy, heartbreak, adventure and pain.
You are in good company.
I invite you to join me here. I’m a mama in the middle of raising four kids, both biological and adopted. As a devout rule follower, I married a man who’s much more interested in adventure than staying within the lines, which has resulted in a lot of great stories of my own. As a pastor’s wife and women’s director, I do a lot of church stuff. But at the end of the day, I don’t want to “do church” well. I want to be the Church well.
That’s my hope for all of us. That we would be women who love our family and friends and neighbors well. Women transformed from the inside out by the unconditional love of Jesus. Standing with boldness, filled up with grace. Held together by the strength of God who sees us in the trenches of every day life.
Women who are believing God on this whole thing.
~ Julie Thomas