Announcing our New Summer Series!

He’s always been able to do that.

My husband has this incredible ability to see straight into the heart of an issue.

A few months ago we were in the middle of a “significant” conversation, some might say it was intense or heated, but either way I was definitely right.  We were going back and forth on how to better handle our crazy days of life, money and time.  I was making great points, laying out great strategy and coming up with real solutions.  I was ON.  I had my final suggestion, one that I knew was the amazing answer to our messed up night.  And after I said it, my husband just looked at me and asked,

“What if we just had more grace?”

The interruption and wisdom of that statement was so striking that I couldn’t respond.  I just listened, as he spoke truth and simplicity, of having more grace. With each other.  With ourselves.

John’s first chapter says Jesus was full of grace and truth, and that He pours it out to us, grace upon grace.  He was FULL of grace, poured out over and over again.  A spilling out so that we may live filled up, in the amazing goodness of Him.

Do I really believe this?  Do I really believe that His grace is what I need…what I must seek?  Is it really enough?  Or do I look for more… more word-smith’d solutions and strategies in the middle of my significant and heated life?

What if we just had more grace?

I need more grace.  

So God provided this hunger, this conversation on a late winter’s night, to be the catalyst for our new Summer Series:  


Beginning Tuesday, June 3rd, four simple ways to usher His grace into your summer months.  Whether you’re in the park, at your desk, on your way to see family, or across the world… grace.

A grace awakening, one that reawakens me to the amazing gift God has given to me.  A gift so abundant that it saves my life.  Grace.  Awakened.

A grace received, offered to myself, a fresh acceptance of God’s grace in my life.  A receiving of forgiveness and letting myself off the hook for the unattainable bar that I too often set for myself.  Giving myself a break.  Grace.  Received.  

A grace extended, to those around me.  Grace that spills out with so much joy that it washes over those I share life with, at home, at the coffee shop, at the office.  Grace.  Extended.

And finally, a grace guarded.  As the Truth of GRACE is imprinted upon my life, it becomes precious, a gift worth fighting for.  This grace becomes my life, my salvation, His gift to me and others, so I will stand for it with every fiber of my being.  Grace.  Guarded.

Don’t we all need this?  More and more grace?

Join us.  Open the screen door to your summer and invite others to join you in this pursuit of grace.  Invite your friends and your family, even those who are states or continents away.  

Let’s encourage, and breathe and live grace this summer.  


Subscribe and be a part of our new Summer Series, “The Gift of Grace: Summer Simplicity from the book of Ephesians”, a four-week online study beginning Tuesday, June 3rd.  By entering your email address, each post will be delivered directly to your inbox.  Invite your friends and ask them to join you!  Here’s to a summer full of grace! 


  1. Sue Umberger on May 23, 2014 at 3:28 pm

    I would like to be a part of this, por favor.

  2. Maryann Peratt on May 25, 2014 at 3:00 pm

    God’s perfect timing! I am excited and want to be included!

  3. Sherry Pope on May 27, 2014 at 5:06 pm

    Please add me to your list for this study.

    • womenwhobelieve on May 28, 2014 at 7:42 am

      Glad you’re joining us! Follow the “Sign Me Up!” link and you’ll be in!

  4. Tammy Newill on May 28, 2014 at 7:49 am

    Hi Julie, I would like to join the women’s summer series.


    Sent from my iPhone


    • womenwhobelieve on May 28, 2014 at 7:51 am

      Hey Tammy, so glad!!! Follow the “Sign Me Up!” link and you’re in!

  5. Beverly randolph on May 28, 2014 at 7:55 am

    Yes. I want to do. The Grace study!!! Need it. Iam going thru a Trial and need God’s grace. bev

  6. Lynette on May 28, 2014 at 9:51 pm

    Me please

  7. Jayme Trombly on June 1, 2014 at 12:37 am

    I am in! 🙂

  8. Bennie Christensen on May 1, 2016 at 7:31 pm

    Ok i just realized I am a couple of years late! Oops! 🙂

    • Julie Thomas on May 2, 2016 at 6:58 pm

      We’ll be launching a new study in June, stay tuned…

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