Coming Soon . . . A Summer to Soak

Welcome to Summer!

Girlfriends, are you ready?  Beginning next week, we will launch into a brand new summer study, and I’ve been waiting since last fall to bring this to you!  God has placed this study on my heart as only He could do, and I am looking so forward to seeing what He has in store.

This summer, instead of taking on chunks of scripture or even whole books, we’re going to do something different ~ we’re going to simply soak in one verse each week.  We’re going to look into verses that we probably know well…we will sit in them…we will allow their words to sink into us…until we are so fully absorbed with His Truth, we can’t help but be different.

Watch for more info this week.  Begin to invite your friends to join you online.  Together, let’s spend our summer soaking in God’s Word.

1 Comment

  1. Kaleena Mcwhite on June 10, 2013 at 6:58 am

    So excited for this study! I have been needing something just like this!

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