Critics, Cynics and Childlike Faith | Opening up Your Heart to all that is Easter Weekend

Today was one of those days I wish I could have hit the record button so I could play it all back again.

Today was field trip day to the aquarium with my 6 year old and his first grade class. So I put everything on hold to spend the day at this overpriced amazing aquapalooza with hundreds of school-aged little ones my son. Teachers, parents, and kids, all organized into groups and let loose to take in and absorb all that is fish.

I found my group and my fellow parent, and we set out with our little pool of four kids. We stepped into what looked and smelled like a rain forest, full of trees and tanks and kids bouncing from one side to the next, as we tried to keep track. My co-leader and I chatted, covering the basics from number of kids to number of years at the school. It was pleasant and sweet and mostly inconsequential, until both of us noticed something almost simultaneously: the amount of joy that was busting out of our kids.



My son’s eyes were completely bright, filled with wonder at all he was taking in. Every new fish, new creature, new exhibit, it was all just awesome. He felt everything so deeply and with so much passion that it made us both take notice.

As I stopped long enough to really see his joy, all I could think about was…this is childlike faith.

This is what Jesus talked about in Matthew 18 when He put children and faith into the same sentence and challenged all the grownups in the place to really sit up and take a look. He challenged them to see their innocence, the openness and trust in their eyes, their passion, unjaded by the cares of the world.  Or expectations.  Or opinions of others. Little ones, simply recognizing the wonders of His Love.  With childlike faith.

My son showed me so much today:

1. Childlike faith is awesome. We should have more of it. But often we’re culturally encouraged to keep our faith-enthusiasm to a controlled and dull roar. Don’t speak too much, don’t feel too much, JUST STAY COOL. Stay between the lines, because not only are they our friends, they need to be the standard.

Ugh. I might be over that.

My boy felt every single feeling possible, from excitement to awe to pain (rocked his head). If he saw something awesome he’d call his buddies over or beg me to take a picture of it. It wasn’t contained, it was big and real and all his.

2. Childlike faith is contagious. Because when you’re around someone with that much passion you can’t even help yourself. At one point during the tour there were about 20 adults with just as many kids standing in this tunnel looking up at the water over us, fish, turtles and manta rays everywhere. Here’s what I noticed – every adult in that space was emulating their child’s enthusiasm, almost giddy at how cool everything was. 

When I’m around people who are passionate about who God is in their lives, I want what they have. People who believe God to the depths of their soul, who keep their eyes locked on Him through their good and beautiful and painful moments bolster my faith. 

Unfortunately, we live in a culture that’s filled with cynics of passion. Too much emotion and you might be labeled high maintenance or just a little bit over the top.

Standing in that tunnel I tried to picture the moment without kids, just 20 adults looking up at a bunch of fish. I think it would have been a completely different scene. It certainly would have been quieter, less wow! and cool! remarks, less obvious emotion and enthusiasm. 

Not nearly as much fun for any of us.

So what does any of this have to do with Easter?

As we enter into the most meaningful weekend of our faith, here’s where this all lands in me…

I want you and I to walk into this weekend with childlike faith.

I want us to be present in every single moment.

To feel every drop of our Good Friday services. Open our eyes and hearts to recognize the emotions, the heaviness of what the cross of Jesus Christ means.

I want us to take time in God’s Word, opening up the gospels’ accounts of what Jesus endured on our behalf. 

Then on Sunday, girlfriends, let’s worship Him. Listen to the words that are read and sing from your soul. Let’s worship Him because of this one incredible, life changing truth…He is alive.

Let this Easter weekend serve as a reconnection to that passion that began in us the moment we trusted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives. The One who loves us just as we are, who invites us into a real relationship with Him.

Let us be women who stand and worship Him this Sunday, with all that we are.

Standing with childlike faith.


  1. Mary on April 3, 2015 at 8:43 am

    And a child shall lead them. Amen

  2. Michelle Castro on April 3, 2015 at 10:23 am


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