Great New Blog for Men

I love the book Captivating.  This book by Staci Eldridge is one of the best books out there on the topic of being a woman.

One of the most interesting points of the book is this idea of the “Question”.  The book suggests that both little girls and boys ask a fundamental question. For little girls it’s “Am I lovely?”, meaning do you see me, am I delighted in and irreplaceable.  For little boys it’s “Do I have what it takes?”.

“All that rough and tumble, all that daring and superhero dress up, all of that is a boy seeking to prove that he does have what it takes.  He was made in the image of a warrior God.  Nearly all a man does is fueled by his search for validation, that longing he carries for an answer to his Question.” – Captivating, p.46

I have three little boys and I can whole-heartedly say “yes!” to that superhero theory! And I didn’t teach them a drop of it.  It’s just this innate rumbling that’s so alive in them.  I love it.   

I see this also in my husband, Joel, and other men I know – a desire to live a daring life for God.  As a pastor and men’s ministry leader, Joel’s heart is to lead men to be the best husbands, fathers and men of God they can be.  Because of this, he’s started a new site called Men Who Believekinda catchy isn’t it?  It’s a fantastic forum for guys to hear from others guys about real life, men’s issues and reflections on the truths of scripture.

Check it out and forward it on to your husband, dad, or anyone else that might be interested.   God bless you as you encourage and pray for the men in your life!

1 Comment

  1. Susie on November 2, 2011 at 6:23 am

    Love it!!!!!!

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