Integrity, Truth and Football

What’s that thing you obsess over?

If I were to sit down with your friends, what stories would they tell me? What you are kinda nuts about?

If you spent one minute with any of my friends and asked them that question about me, they would come back with one word, without hesitation:  FOOTBALL.


Fall = Football in the Thomas home. From watching our boys on Saturday mornings to Sunday Night Football, it is my happy place. And the Denver Broncos are my team. I have followed and obsessed for over 20 years, gone to Super Bowl parades and screamed like a little girl when they signed Peyton Manning.

Yes, I’m ridiculous. But sometimes you just need something ridiculous in such a serious world. And if you are gracious enough to still be reading, I do actually have a point.

Recently I’ve been following “Deflategate“, an investigation about whether or not the New England Patriots broke the rules last year during a playoff game against the Indianapolis Colts. There were accusations that they’d deflated the footballs to an illegal range, giving them an unfair advantage.  Granted, the Pats absolutely killed the Colts, but the integrity of the team remained up for debate.

First time a team has ever done this? Of course not. However, when it’s my boys watching, and they are looking on to see how the “professionals” handle questions about what is or isn’t true, all my mama’s heart wants to say is this:

Integrity and Truth Matter.

I feel like we live in a culture that asks this question: What can I get away with?

What can I get away with and how can I bend the truth/lie to my advantage?

With four kiddos, there’s been a lie or two told around the Thomas house. But here’s where we land on this with them:  OWN IT.  Guys, we’re gonna make mistakes. But at the end of the day, don’t lie, just tell the truth. Don’t excuse it away, just admit it.

Because when we own it, it ends it.

When we own our mistakes, it opens wide the door to forgiveness.

There was a man who got this in a very personal way.  His name was David.

If written today, Psalm 51 could have been titled “My Open Letter To God”.

David had found himself in a place full of temptation, and he asked the question: what can I get away with? 

That question took him farther than he ever intended to go and cost him more than he ever intended to pay.

David is leveled in pain and brought face to face with his sin, contrasted against a holy and righteous God. I can almost picture him writhing face down, filled with sobs of grief and cries for forgiveness. David is humbled to his core, and he had no other choice than to plead for mercy and grace.


Look at Psalm 51, specifically verse 6:

“You desire truth in the innermost being.”

David’s words in this chapter are incredible. He is broken before the Lord, understanding his place before a holy God. No more excuses, no more lies. His honesty and humility are powerful, and he is trusting fully in God’s forgiveness and redemption. He recognizes that the only place he’ll find truth is in His presence, allowing God to change him from the inside out.


This week, spend extended time in the verses of Psalm 51. Soak in the words, reading through them slowly.  Then slow down even more, and read them again. In a culture that continually asks, what can I get away with, we have to ask a better question. Maybe ask God these:

  • Where am I compromising my integrity?
  • Do I struggle with telling the truth?
  • Have lies become a normal way of living?
  • What are the areas of my life that need to be washed in Your Truth?

Maybe it’s small things, maybe you’re completely caught up in a whole web of lies.

Bring it all, the whole ugly mess of it all. Bring it to Jesus. 

Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. 


Love Podcasts? We’re talking about all of this today over at Life with Lisa Williams.

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  1. Karen Weiler on May 19, 2015 at 8:47 am

    Julie, I sooo love that you are sharing your writing gifts for Jesus! Partnering with Lisa Williams is a match made in Heaven. Don’t see you much, neighbor, but I’m sharing my cup of coffee with you right now. Trusting that Jesus is sending my prayers right back to your heart!

    • Julie Thomas on May 19, 2015 at 9:44 am

      Thank you Karen so much for your kind encouragement and your faithfulness to Him. You are such a friend.

  2. Vicki on May 21, 2015 at 12:33 pm

    I usually only comment to myself—- sometimes out loud!!! Also,discuss with my daughter. But I felt compelled to say WOW you are so on , as usual. I don’t follow football with your passion but when this story surfaced all I could think about was: what is he going to say to his children? Here is a man who has everything (wordly) & yet he still could not uphold what is true, what is right & correct. It will always be about how straight you can walk after taking a hard fall & demonstrating your character before those who love you & look up to you the most.

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